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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Iron Man Anime?!

I really surprised when I found this on YouTube. Apparently there is going to be an Iron Man anime, although whether or not it follows the comic or movieverse or if its is own storyline I can't tell. But I hope the series will be just as good as the trailer. I've read some negativity from some who have already seen the Japanese version. Apparently there will be an English dub version that will premiere on the G4 network. I'm a little disappointed because I prefer English subs to dubs, but I'm sure that'll come along eventually.

But I can see where some of the negativity is steaming from. See the difference between the trailer and the actual opening to the show. There is defiantly a quality difference. It looks like they put more work into the trailer than the actual series (I hate when they do that!).

But what shocks me about this is this is behavior I expect from an American-made animation, not a Japanese anime (I expect better from them). But then again this is an anime adaptation of an American comic book and movies. I hope America isn't having that much of an influence on them 8o.

Needless to say it still looks cool and I can't wait to see it, dubbed or subbed.

But does anybody else get a Gundum-like feeling when watching the trailer, or is it just me?

What do you think of an Iron Man Anime? Or even Japanese Anime adaptation of American cartoons? Comment about it.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Crisis in Japan

The Japanese are an intelligent and brave people.

Even superstar Miyavi has turned his twitter page into a channel of news and information on the disasters in Japan, go check it out (if you can read japanese)

My heart goes out to the families of those brave souls risking thier lives trying to stop the reactor from melting down.

God bless Japan.

Check out more resources for helping Japan!

Friday, March 11, 2011

At the Movies is Back!

I finally got around to writing this

Remember this post of how I was sad that At the Movies was canceled? Well now its back and its better than ever. I love the fact that its on public television mainly because there are no commericals, so the show feels extended.

I like they went back to the thumbs up/down style because its less complicated than see it/ rent it/ skip it.

Watching this show is a great way to get a profesional opinion of hits and misses at the movies, I highly recommed it.

What did you like better? This version or the previous? Comment about it.

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