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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!

May your hearts be filled with joy and your stomachs with Turkey Smiley

Gotta good recommendation for a Thanksgiving movie? Comment about it!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Bowie and Space Fairies in a Microwave

I had just finished watching one of the most bizarre episodes of Supernatural that I have ever seen.

With the episode titled "Clap if You Believe" I assumed it'd be an episode about fairies. But the show opened with a parody of the opening to an older sci-fi show The X-Files. Okay, its an episode about aliens...fairies... alien fairies? ... anyway...

I don't want to give spoilers, but I'll give you the gist of it:

Sam and Dean investigate a town were several kids have disappeared. At the sight of crop circles, most of the town is swept up in the believe the kids were abducted by UFOs, save for one woman who believes its fairies.

Naturally skeptic, Dean investigates the crop circle alone, only to have a 'close encounter' and gets abducted by a bright light. His soulless brother Sam (I'm not beling mean, his soul was actually sucked out in a previous episode), not really caring about his missing brother, decides to have a romp with a local hippie-girl.

Dean eventually escape's his captors, looking pretty much like the end result of an alien-arse-probing, and catches his brother in the act.

And that's basically the first ten minutes! The episode continues this tangent of bizzare hilarity, including an epic fight between Dean and a little glowing fairy, all set to the tune of David Bowie's "Space Oddity", with the fairies fate being the microwave. I couldn't stop laughing!

Our heroes eventually learn that this is indeed not aliens they're dealing with, but fairies, and must uncover the truth as to who really set them on the town.

Overall, I'd say this was one of the best episodes of Supernatural I've ever seen. I loved all the refrences, double innuendoes, and Bowie's music.

Best line in the whole episode: "Fight the Fairies!"

What did you think of this episode of Supernatural? Let me know by commenting!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

New and Improved!

Welcome to the new and improved Dreamscape Medley, a blog dedicated to reviews and articles related to modern and vintage, memorable and forgotten movies, cartoons, and anime.

Check back often for updates, or subscribe via reader or email, Follow on Google, or save/dend using any of the services listed below.

Remember, comments and critisim are always welcome!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

New Blog Created!

Check out my new blog: The Electric Otaku >> for game reviews and articles.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Big Changes

I will be dividing this blog into 4 separate blogs in order to focus on the subjects individually.

For now on this blog will be dedicated to movie, series, anime, and animation reviews and articles related.

Thanks for your patience!

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